Since past few years, emergence of a new trend has been observed—formation and forwarding of SMSs according to every new occasion and situation. Let it be any new advertisement, new announcement or the prevailing situation. However, what should be kept in mind is the difference between things that can be made fun of, and those that are not funny in any way.
The current disturbance and the alarming situation fall in the latter category, a state that is extremely serious and has no margin of being made fun of. Every time I pick up my cellular phone to see a few text messages regarding totkas and parodies and slogans referring to the recent killings in Karachi, I just wonder the extent to which we have gone numb. We, as a society have no feelings for those who are suffering and no emotions left in us to understand what should be made fun of and what should not. There are no moral ethics left behind to make us feel the severity of the situation.
This is not to suggest that each and every individual should start mourning, but at least out of respect for those who are losing their lives or their near and dear ones, such text messages should not be forwarded. This is not only a peaceful way of empathizing with the sufferers but is also our moral and ethical responsibility to behave properly if we can’t do anything else.