Friday, December 24, 2010

Same stories... Everywhere...

A few years back, I used to think that I am a unique being and whatever is happening in my life has never happened to anyone any time. This was perhaps because of the fact that I was never too close to anybody, or, being too young to express properly, people around me were quite inexpressive. So, everyone kept his experiences, feelings, emotions to himself and I continued to think that I am really unique, with no similarity with anyone.
Anyways, after remaining in my own shell for a long time, I slowly realized that things are not how I suppose them to be, they are totally the other way round.
I realized that same stories are there everywhere. Everyone goes through more or less the same experiences, same situations and same circumstances, one time or another.
Every individual is unique in some ways, true, but there are a number of aspects that all of them share.
Whenever I talk to my best friends (whom I can share each and every thing with), I realize that they feel the same things that I feel sometimes, they react in the same way, turns in their in life are very similar to mine.
And it is not ONLY about those two people, whenever I talk to anybody and someone shares his/ her experiences with me, I feel like I am hearing about my own self, with just a little variations.
So, what I have concluded is: we all are the same. It is our own attitude and our thinking that creates the difference, otherwise life treats us all in the same manner (obviously not in all aspects, but in some, it does) ...

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